Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No details permitted

Work on the little figures is going along. What a horror story it would be if they came alive, because they are the lumpiest looking creatures! But they're working for me and my imagination. Now I have to build the set in which they will inhabit. Foam core board, a sharp x-acto knife, and a straightedge are the materials I need for this. Architects build mock-ups from these materials. There are a surprising number of accessories available in large art stores to cut and trim the board with mitered angles and thin pieces. Not necessary for this - no perfection needed.

Check out this video for an incredible full size mock up that I found. I'm new to blogging and haven't figured out how to get the link to work, so you'll have to google it yourself. It's short and really cool.
Behind The Scenes - The Hub at Holiday Inn Mockup - YouTube

An aside here - I struggle with perfectionism. It can be hard for me to know when something is "good enough." I have to remind myself what the goal of the task is and worthiness of time spent to achieve the goal. It can be freeing to have materials that are not exacting, as it limits how far you can carry something out. When I work out some basic composition ideas, it's better for me to use a crayon type tool, so I can't even attempt details. And in this case, arranging crudely made shapes together is what I need to help me envision my idea.

Behind The Scenes - The Hub at Holiday Inn Mockup - YouTube

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