Friday, February 1, 2013

Does this mean anything?

Over the last several years I have had many occasions to ponder how and what we keep. Humans have a curious nature of collecting "stuff" and imbuing things with meaning. What becomes of all these precious possessions when the owner is no longer here? Do these things matter to any one else? Some objects are beautiful or interesting enough on their own, and there is little question to why one may have kept them. But how about the odd items? Was it a special keepsake, did it have significance? No one will know why I've kept a cracked blue marble necklace or the brick with white paint on it. Some things are just private, singular memory holders, they only work for the owner. Did my brother keep a broken lamp in a bank safe because it meant something to him? Mysterious unless someone holds the key to meaning. But sometimes a special thing becomes special to someone else, not for the same reason, but just because it was a special possession and reminds the next person of the original owner. Momentos and personal possessions can be so powerful, as if some energetic bond still existed.

I have experienced the passing away of so many people in the last few years, and gone through the awful passage of grief to remembrance. In the piece that I have started working on, I want to celebrate those lives. I've sorted, saved or discarded their physical possessions, and am left with questioning how to keep their memories alive. Do we lock things up to keep them safe or bring them out to share with others? My piece will be about life and death, celebration and reflection.
At least, that's what I thinking now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue

    I have the germ of an idea to make a remembrance piece. I have made 4 in the past. I think they were too "dark" and personal to anyone but me.


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